Thursday 4 September 2008


OneTrueSaxon, Nottingham-based suppliers of Great British clobber to discerning indie superstars and terrace casuals, got hold of a copy of Sideburn. And rather like it. They put this on their website.

'A couple of days ago our friendly postman dropped a copy of SIDEBURN magazine through the letter box of OTS HQ. Ripping open the envelope, I was greeted by an image of an Evil Knievel look-a-like bustin a power slide. With my attention grabbed, I started flicking through the pages of SIDEBURN, only to realise minutes later that I had stumbled across something special; not just a great magazine created by a couple a guys with a passion for motorbikes but ….Flat Track Racing! Flat Track Racing is a form of speedway, the difference being, a traditional speed way bike has a 500cc engine, one gear and the acceleration of a small rocket - a purpose built steed which has to be raced on a purpose built track. In Flat Track Racing you can use just about any bike you wish with a few basic restrictions: one brake, tyres with a minimal tread and a big old engine to pull you round the track. This makes it more affordable to those wanting to get into moto sport and hopefully we can look forward to tracks popping up all over the UK soon. SIDEBURN is produced by a couple of guys out of their own money who have successfully turned their passion for drifting into a niche motorcycle magazine. Good luck guys, the Good People at OTS.

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