Saturday 22 November 2008

Diedre Greenshields has spoken

Dear Gary and Ben,
Now I am a hard woman, even if my skin is still soft. But I certainly was not expecting the printed word of Sideburn to be all that. Congratulations it really is quite substantial.
Diedre Greenshields, Arizona

Now then, Diedre has been reading and contributing to the Sideburn blog for quite some time, but has only just got hold of the printed versions - our whole raison d'etre. So, is there anyone else out there who still has doubts about coughing up for the magazine? Well...


  1. Arizona?! I may have lived in seven out of fiftytwo US states, but I've never even stepped foot in Arizona. I'm sure London Bridge is a sight to behold. No, I really do live in Azerbaijan for my sins.
    It is a good thing I am donning my Stevie Wonder disguise, I was not expecting you to post my photo. Now chop chop boys, I am already impatient for issue three.

  2. Dear Diedre,
    what do you ride? And can you get it sideways?

  3. Mostly horses these days BP, and yes I can get it (a horse) sideways. My father taught me to ride his Scott Flying Squirrel on my seventh birthday. It was not entirely enjoyable.
    I sold my BMW R90S last winter, those big Germans are far to heavy to be humping about on at my age.
