Saturday 8 November 2008

Messer Chups

We apologize to anybody who was expecting a 100% pure beef flat track blog. We have, we do, & will continue to go off topic from time to time. So here's more from our record collection...
The most excellent Messer Chups from St. Petersburg in Russia. I caught them at the Paradiso in Amsterdam a few years ago. Oleg Gitarkin is the nerdy front man, the vampalicious Svetlana Nagayeva aka Zombie Girl on bass. It's B-movie twangy mondo surf, Lydia Kavina on Theremin, & Igor Vdovin on synthesizers, adding even more spacey spook. Sasha Belkov drums. They have 12 albums to their credit. Go check them out if they land on your planet


  1. Nice one BP. YouTube throws up a stack of clips, none of which I've tried yet:

  2. followed the link MP, played just one video which had the two great comments "dubbel u tee ef " & from another viewer "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot". Expect to see these two expressions ripped off & used in print soon.

  3. Oh man, they're crazy. 'Go Satan Go' is now in my YouTube faves, and one of the comments on that weird vid is:"Mmmmmyes ofcourse *sips coffee*".

  4. B movie looks and Theramin sounds ?
    i'm in , or off to U tube to have a looksee...
