Sunday 18 January 2009

India Rubber Urinals

We're men of the world (except you Bunny Jerez) and there have been times when all of us just needed to keep on riding or driving, wishing we could ignore the call of nature and keep that throttle cable stretched. But have you tried pissing in a bottle, while riding a Benelli? Man, it's tough, even at 40mph. Luckily, Sideburn correspondent Mick Phillips brought this item to our attention. Unfortunately, as Ben wisely points out, Victorian time travel not withstanding, we might struggle to get our hands, or anything else, on one. 'So,' Ben continues 'may I be so bold as to suggest a DIY version, to include...
a rubber Johnny
a rubber band
a measured length of brake bleeding rubber hose (from 'fellow' to ankle)
a cycle clip'
If anyone has ever tried this, please let us know the details. GI


  1. Yes I have. We use them in long off-road races like the Baja 1000. They are a condom like device (that has adhesive inside it) with a hole at the end that you attach a hose to (you can even attach a bag to the end of the hose). Do a goole seach for "external catheter". Good Luck, Mike Pee

  2. Ever tried a piss in a Mc Ds cup, driving a rental car, when your in a rush to get to the airport. Well dont or you may end up with piss in the cup holders and the place where you are supposed to keep your spare change. Maybe I need one of these things!!!

  3. My wife once got caught short in a traffic jam, with the kids screaming in the back. She reached for the nappy bag, opened a Pampers, dropped her draws and let it all go.

  4. A biker once told me how when riding on a bitter Winter's day he'd headed for the motorway services in dire need, hurredly dismounted and rushed to the gents. Unfortunately, his hands were too frozen to undo layers of clothing and extract a shrunken tool but the expectation of going had started an unstoppable chain of events - he pissed himself whilst standing at the urinal. Thankfully he was wearing waterproof over-trousers so nobody could tell.
