Saturday 31 January 2009

More than one way to skin a cat

Short track (flat track on speedway ovals, for those new to the blog) is still a fledgling sport in the UK. We don't have the history, so we don't years of old bikes to buy cheap to start on. That means people build their own. These designs show two ends of the spectrum.
Anthony Brown raced on an SR/TT500 last year. He decided he liked the sport, but a better bike would have him closer the front. So he has designed a frame for a Rotax engine on CAD. He's having Geoff, a welder for an F1 chassis makers, weld it. Yes, he knows the top one won't fit, he's redisgned it.

The other plan is from Rupert Diplo. It's a Ducati Monster, but to get around the lack of steering lock he's planning to cut the headstock in half then have a newly made headstock welded into the C-section that is left attached to the trellis frame. Got that? Can't wait to see both/either of them roll up in the Spring.
Bon chance, mes amis! GI

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