Wednesday 7 January 2009


Sideburn blog regular and friend Austin got in touch to say "Where's yr RIP Ron Asheton post Gary? Without that man and his mates punk rock woulda never happened..."
And I thought it deserved an answer. Firstly, we don't do general RIPs (just like we don't do food or swastika's - either tongue-in-cheek or not). If we did dedications to everyone we liked who karked it we'd look like The Times' Obituary section. Ben and I look at a lot of blogs and many of them noted Bo Diddley's passing. Now I liked Bo's music, but not as much as The Stooges. I love the Stooges. But what would be the point? I've nothing new to say about Bo or Ron Asheton (who was in the Stooges, by the way), so I'd just be doing it to see the sound of my own voice. Oh shit, that's the point of blogs.
Secondly, The Stooges can't have invented punk, because The Sonics were playing it a good few years before (and I'm not saying they invented, but maybe they did).
Anyway, buy Raw Power if you haven't got it. But buy The Sonics' Boom first. GI


  1. hehe, it's like the old Saints/Ramones argument, could go on forever.
    I woulda suggested Funhouse over Raw Power though due to Ron's genius riffs (even though Search & Destroy is still their best song ever). Not the most talented guitar player ever but he understood it's what notes ya play not how fast ya play them that makes a good guitarist.
    RIP Ron - you woulda never caught him doing a car insurance ad like Iggy

  2. Sonics rule Stooges rule. as for who punked first? check out Link Wray (RIP) and of course thee mighty Bo Diddley ( F*ck the Adverts- one chord wonders, who invented one note guitar solos? Bo!)
