Friday 2 January 2009

When in doubt...

I love this photo. This is Craig Randall, one of the most interesting men I've met in my fairly interesting life. I spent an evening with him for a feature to be published in a forthcoming SB. GI

I love this photo because:
a. Craig is carrying the number 1 plate on, what I think, is his Honda.
b. His style, high on the seat.
c. He's wearing his field jacket with the insignia of the 1st Cavalry Division on the sleeve. This isn't some fashion statement, he flew helicopters for the US Army in the 60s and 70s (not a good time to be flying helicopters for the US military).
d. That helmet. Craig always wore the coolest home-painted helmets.

Craig just sent in some advice.
"The best advice I ever received was from Tommy Andersen, former AMA Expert flat tracker: it was;
"When in doubt, gas it!"
That got me out of way more trouble than it got me in!
Best Regards,
Craig Randall
36Q (RET)

1 comment:

  1. Can't tell what he's riding, maybe a Knight/Honda? But those are the old K&N "flattrack bend" bars, real wide and lots of pullback. Feels like you're steering a tiller...
