Tuesday 14 July 2009

En route to Buxton

This is by far the fastest the bike goes all day.

Seven-year-old Fiat Multipla, trailer (never with a number plate board), Wood Rotax. Living the dream

Saw this trio on the way. Ford Granada, Triumph 2000, Ford Cortina - all in varying shades of potting shed green. These cars will make a lot of British men of a certain age very melancholic.Check out Tracy's cafe in the background.

Britain has become such a nanny state that there are now designated areas in which to it is legal to crash a motorcycle. These crash zones are a new directive from Gordon Brown's floundering government and I want to see them scrapped. Have you ever thought, 'Hey I hope a crash zone is coming up, because this machine is feeling a little vague about the straight ahead' ? The sooner these Biker Crash Zones are shutdown and riders are free to crash where they hell they like, the better.


  1. God forbid you crash just outside one of the designated zones...

    the paperwork!

  2. wow, what on earth is it supposed to accomplish?

    'crash zone' sounds almost laughable...maybe the next logical step will be riders with a history of bailing will have to wear special yellow vests identifying them as rolling crash zones??!!

  3. We need to get one of those 'crash zone' boards for the Shorttrack races... so that it's legal to crash on the clay.

    Got some pics of Boastie's crash and vids of the Finals on my blog... check 'em out

  4. That's a quality caff. Looks like a cross between a nursery school and a young offender's institute. Come in and anjoy a crippling bacon bap, or perhaps a full English anthrax.
