Wednesday 22 July 2009

Torino details

I was in Turin for 24 hours for work earlier this week. There was lots going on.

This is Marco P's Sportster (Nightster?). Had new Ceriani forks, Brembo radial master cylinder but stock calipers. Maybe he ran out of money. He also rode in trainers with no socks. Now, I know a sock is going to do eff-all in an accident, but psychologically I couldn't ride without socks. Nice Harrington jacket though.

Tidy 50 Special.

Saw another Sporty with a knackered Supertrapp. Bet it's loud.

This food cost about 12 euro ($20) and was shared between four of us. The beer cost 12 euro! What? Are you kidding? Perhaps the most expensive bottle I've ever had. Just as well someone else was paying.


Cool National automobile club signs outside our hotel.


  1. Don't talk to me about loud Supertrapps. Look, I like a lusty-sounding bike, and I've been lucky enough to ride some devastatingly loud street bikes in my time, but having just - for the umpteenth time - tried watching a film with subtle dialogue while barely silenced scoots and bikes blare by, I've had about e-fuckin'-nuff of Italians and their love of inflicking racket on others.

    I'll get to bed. Tomorrow's another day.

  2. God Almighty! Who knew that DeLoreans made it way over yonder. Headturner is right - I see 'em around Los Angeles every now and then, along with the odd Bricklin and, more rarely, TR7 (the shape of things to come!):

  3. Hosenpants, DeLoreans were made in Northern Ireland, closer to Turin than LA is.
    Jason - It was me who was in Turin. If it was Ben he'd have taken much better photos. GI

  4. The Harley guy is probably on a budget, and is building it piecemeal like alot of dudes I know. Looks like he's doing a great job so far.

  5. Skylar, I know what you're saying and I wasn't taking the piss or having a dig at him, but, on a road bike, I've always thought good brakes are more important than forks. And those Sportsters have pretty poor brakes. I still love the bike and the fact media types like him ride bikes in Italy. Perhaps he just cruises and doesn't need good brakes. G

  6. Oh I know, never would I take a shot at you guys, you're motorheroes for sure. Just offering my take on how his build is going! -S
