Monday 24 August 2009

London Calling

Nick Walker is a sound engineer. A man who appreciates high-level open megas. His bike has been through several make-overs. I took the riding shots in '92(?), Alan Strutt made the others, no idea who the doll is. Do we want a feature on this machine in Sideburn? Hell Yeah. BP

The photos were made for a magazine published by the Zeitgeist, fetish shop on the Holloway Road. The shoot location was on Battlebridge Rd behind St Pancras station, I think it's all gone now under the new terminal.
I bought the bike in spring 1985, from a bloke in New Cross who'd had it abandoned in his garden for 3 years. I knocked on his door and offered him £200 for it. Got it on the road in '86. I found the Dunstall megas in a small ad in MCN, must have been 88-89? I rang the bloke, his dad answered and said to ring back at 4 when he got in from work so I jumped on the bike and rode down, arrived at his house in Devon just as he was getting out of his car. They were unobtainium even then... The round trip was about 380 miles, it's the most I've ever done in a day. Anyway I could bore on about that bike for hours, I better go do lunch for the kids...

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