Saturday 19 September 2009


This excellent exhibition at The Dray Walk Gallery, Old Truman Brewery, 91 Brick Lane, London E1 6QL, is only on until tomorrow; Sunday 20th Sept. Team SB went to the private view, and had a few. Some superb photography from Ryo Bamba, Nick Clements (who has photos in SB#4), William Gentle, Matt Hind, Neal Reed, and Nathan Small. We finally put faces to names of a lot of people we have been in correspondence with for a long time including Vincent from Southsiders mc all the way from Toulouse. The evening was rounded off with a great curry at Meraz on Hanbury street. Yum. BP


  1. Awesome. Polished me old Docs and stepped out tonight meself. What an awesome post. What I'd give for a good curry right now.

  2. Love the shot of the three bikes and classy lady outside the Georgian terrrace, as seen from a nosy neighbour's pulled-back net curtain.

    And my guess is: brown brogues, GI, white brogues BP. I'm going to have to break out my Giorgio Resti (or is that Giorgio Asdani?) boots if brogues are the thing...

  3. Mick
    The styling in Nick Clements photos is stunning, but he also manages to find incredible oldendays faces too. As for the subtle; almost amateur compositions, I think that's what makes them.

    And Yes brougues were the order of the night - your 'name the owner' is correct, + Stepnen White on mustard-ivory combo, and Julian Balme (he of Clash Album covers fame) on toffee-ivory.

  4. Ben's beaten me to it, but I'll continue anyway - Mick P, correct - yellow and white are Stephen White's Sideburn's assoc. pub, brown and white are Julian Balme's. I'd heard a lot about him, and read his coluns in Classic and Sportscar about his circuit racing Ford Falcon.
    I also knew he had designed record covers. What I didn't know was:
    'Julian Balme's covers for Madness 'One Step Beyond', The Clash 'Combat Rock' and Adam and The Ants 'Kings of The Wild Frontier' are some of the definitive images of the late seventies and early eighties music scene.' I also read he designed London Calling, but I don't know for sure. And he was in Dice 1. Lovely fella. GI

  5. Hi guys
    glad to have met you, the place and the show was worth the trip, we'll be back.
    # You're warmely welcome in the south...

  6. Nick, as this is the first post on the show I read, let me congratulate you for the excellence of your work_all the best to Sydney Schaffer for the extra-ordinary identity of Men's File_his magazine will change the course of other publications before we know_definitely a winner
