Tuesday 13 October 2009

6am Eternal

Waking early is never fun especially when you've not slept brilliantly on pre-fight nerves. But when the bike is loaded up as the first sparrow chirps, the zoning concentration for the first grid begins and it's a buzz. (I'm only along for the ride and yet I still feel it). This is Gary's Wood Rotax on Rye battle day. BP


  1. 1. I hope you ran the bike up to get it on the trailer.
    2. I think I can help with the light polution Gary. We have a street light near Diplo Hall and it keeps failing - MORE DARKNESS !

  2. off
    Excuse me Gary,
    In which magazine, and when appeared your Stoners Ducati GP7 test?
    I don't find it

    Have a nice day

  3. maybe after the ccm day you will be loading your own machine up to come and play with us too?!.
    stevie 28.

  4. Peter....it was in performance bikes issue Dec 2008..!!

  5. Stuka..thank you so much!
    Can i find this on the web somewhere?

  6. Peter, Stuka is right, but the oroginal, bugger feature was in a magazine made for Shell called V-Zine that was sent to people in England, Poland and Italy, I think. G

  7. Thank you guys
    i think, that will be not so easy
    maybe on the ebay :)
    thanks again

  8. Hey Peter e-mail me your address and i'll send ya that issue.!!

  9. Stevie #28
    indeed it would be an honour to do battle with you!
