Friday 2 October 2009

Ariel Red Hunter

Now SB#4 is at the printers, I decided to take a long overdue day off with the Mrs. Amble into town, have a frothy coffee, do some shopping, hell maybe even take in an art gallery. But something much more exciting happened. We came across this Ariel 500 single - guaranteed 100 mph performance in 1932 (or so the factory claimed). A bit too shiny for my taste, but the detailing is amazing. I just had to go down on it. "Go on take my photo!" I demanded. Then the owner came out and caught me, just as I was about to squirt it with Brasso. BP


  1. I've wanted one of these for years, gorgeous (though, like you BP, I'd prefer something less shiny). Girder/rigid or tele/rigid, but definitely pre-50s please.

  2. Is is an Hagen Daas? ask the guy afraid on the right.
