Thursday 1 October 2009

How Long Is A Piece Of String?

Our fans have been patient - or just got bored of banging on our door, and gone home. "When the blazes is SB#4 going to be ready?!" Well we can now answer the proverbial question with: '7.35cm', and the second with: 'it's at the printers!' Ye Gads, I can hardly believe it myself. We've now stretched to 100 filth-filled pages - it's amazing you don't have to be over 21 to buy it. Teasers to follow until the big day; starting with Larry Pegram's GNC GT1000 Ducati. Photography sharper than a chilli-laced tequila, by Tim White. Can't see much of it? I know, it's a teaser, buy the magazine! BP


  1. congratulations guys! glad to hear it is to printing. we're very spoiled, 3+ blog updates per diem AND a printed work that is very artfully done. I salute you!


  2. Marcus of MarcusMotoDesign1 October 2009 at 07:29

    Sweet news! /Marcus

  3. Austin, you can pick one up at Chris Carr night next week. Screw band practice. Everyone else can start ordering now. But PLEASE make it clear you want issue 4. GI

  4. Excellent news, chaps.

    Will send PayPal ASAP.


  5. band practise aint the problem next week, i'm down in wiltshire for work with no way of making it to peterborough in time - i hate my job!
