Thursday 15 October 2009


After many months of nailing SB#4 together, now stage two starts. The labourious process of mailing. Most of what you pay goes to Postman Pat (the UK > USA costs are crazy), a smaller percentage to the printers, and about thr'pence ha'penny to us. All the subscribers issues have now gone out, followed by contributors. Surprisingly Gary's local post office (just a single counter in the local minimarket) don't seem to fazed by the daily mound of Jiffy bags that he and Mrs I take down there. This photo was taken at breakfast last Saturday when we had a hot-crossed-bun fueled session. BP


  1. And, we, the subscribers, thank you for it. Muchos Grassyarse.

  2. Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love..!!
