Thursday 22 October 2009

Shinya Kimura x Troy Critchlow x GI x GQ Italy

Troy Critchlow got in touch a few weeks ago to say he had some great shots of his friend Shinya Kimura racing at Bonneville on a Harley he built for a customer. He asked if I knew anyone who'd run a story. It turns out Michele at GQ Italy loves the photos as much as I did and the story is in this month's magazine. Everyone's a winner. I don't think it's on sale much longer though so buy it today. GI


  1. I saw that shot over at chicomoto, tres cool

  2. So is that you with the brolly, GI? The hat suits you, but you wanna lose some of that padding around the hips. Makes you look, well, a little feminine.

  3. Anyone know where us folks in the USA can pickup a copy of GQ Italy? A few quick Google searches only turned up junk links...
