Wednesday 23 December 2009

London Calling?

Something about these really wound me up. What is the point? I'm not getting on my high-horse about collaborations or people trying to earn a living or anything like that, but this is SO cynical and so opposed what (I thought) The Clash stood for I don't know how much further we can descend. Who approved this? What next Ramones edition Schott jackets? Johnny Rotten edition Dr Martens? Yup, probably. GI


  1. London calling for Fashion Victims!!!

  2. On the basis that 98.4% of sales will be to people who don't know the clash or their music i think you can rest assured that your own memories and impressions need not be disturbed. In the days of merchandising being equally, if not more important than the banal, generic x-factor twaddle dished up today it's perhaps a compliment to the clash's artistic efforts that it's taken so long for somebody to dare to jump on the band waggon. Apropos of nothing in particular I caught a few minutes of basic instinct on't telly last night and was reminded how sweet Sharron Stone and her girlfriend are together. Does that help ?

  3. Maybe it's an homage to Eurovision voting, nothing to do with The Clash,- I think Joe would have seen the funny side......

    Nobody exploited a movement or era more than John Lydon!!

  4. Like Billy Childish said "Joe Strummer's rollin' in his grave"

  5. Harreng
    You're right about Lydon, but at least they were doing something new back then (thought he did wear a drape). I like labels, some of them retro, Davida, Belstaff, Lewis, Huntsman, so I'm not anti that. And it's not so much about people wanting to be linked with the Clash, or buying a T-shirt or having a tattoo or buying London Calling for £5 in Fopp, but this stinks of marketing meetings. GI

  6. and I thought the H&M Ramones and Motorhead t-shirts was a bad idea.

  7. Pop goes the Weasel !23 December 2009 at 11:56

    Yep you can chuck em in the bin - along with the clash albums i thought were gonna be good , but only have 2 tracks worth listening to on each . HOWL .They gotta be an examle of using a look and not living up to it - if there ever was one !

  8. Don't care for the whole late 2000's "theme X brand" cross-marketing design phenomenon.

  9. you've not seen the guitar wolf edition perfecto then?

  10. the clash were always terrible anyway and the biggest sell-outs on the punk scene, what could be more appropriate than treading in dog shit wearing a pair of these?
    'theysaid that were were trash well the name's crass not clash, they can stuff their punk credentials cos it's them that takes the cash...'
