Wednesday 13 January 2010

Alberto's Framer

Another Euro made framer on the go. This time from our amico Alberto Narduzzi. It, along with the Ouroboros Zaeta, Marco Belli and others will be at the Verona show this weekend. Looks like Luca Talamona's helping out there too.

I think some sites are saying we're going. We're not. GI

This, from Alberto, for our Italian friends. I can't read a word of it...

'Non ci sarà nulla che vi farà impazzire perchè assomiglia a qualcosa che avete già vissuto e già perduto, ma qualche cosa di nuovo per gli appassionati ci sarà!
Moto bellissime, piloti carismatici e veri, costruttori di special mitici e le mie prime due motorette!!. Un pò timide e un pò cafone...
Venerdì prossimo ci possiamo incontrare al Padiglione 6 Stand 13 AB al Motor Expo Bike di Verona assieme a Graziano Rossi, Paolo Chiaia, Marco Belli, Roberto Totti, Luca Talamona, Federico Sartor per vivere da vicino l'amore per il traverso nel nostro piccolo ma intenso stand!'


  1. Being fluent in google translate he says...
    'There is nothing that makes you mad because it looks like something you've already lived and already lost, but something new for fans will be there!
    Moto beautiful, charismatic and real pilots, builders of special mythical and my first two scooters!. A bit shy and a little hick ...
    Next Friday we can meet at Hall 6 Stand AB 13 at the Motor Bike Expo a Verona along with Graziano Rossi, Paolo Chiaia, Marco Belli, Roberto Totti, Luca Talamona, Federico Sartor love to live close to the cross in our small but Intense booth! '

  2. think i read on Otto Nero that you were going G.

  3. we both went last year & had a great time - & met Otto Nero. BP

  4. What kind of an end can ae that and where do You get them?

  5. I dont know what it is but we will make you one if you want


    (Ben your steel canoe is next on our list)
