Sunday 28 February 2010

Equilibrio Precario

Shortly after having made his opinion clear regarding Moto Guzzis, we asked Jesse James if there was any bike modification he was unwilling to perform despite the desires of the paying customer?
"Yeah, I could never paint a bike yellow. Yellow is for faggots."

Well you couldn't get much more red-blooded than Italian marque Zaeta. (from Left to Right) Massimo Rizzo, Paolo Chiaia, Graziano Rossi (Valentino Rossi's Dad), Marco Belli. And their Ouroboros makes a lemon look green. Gary went to Treviso to bend it on their test track. Read the full story in SB#5. Out soon-ish. BP
Photos Raffaele Paolucciand and Alberto Narduzzi.

Maybe Jesse was referring to large meat balls?


  1. YEah,Valentino is a fag,Kenny Roberts is a fag..Jesse James please,shut the fuck up.....

  2. Yes, but Jesse also has problems building bikes that can go around a corner

  3. and by the way,this bike looks fresh as fuck...

  4. I now feel compelled to paint my motorcycle yellow...

  5. Phew, at least Jesse has never been on The Apprentice or I'd have to rethink how seriously I take him...Oh wait!
