Monday 8 February 2010

Now you're jealous



Sideburn's LDV Pilot.
Grille £28 from eBay. Now we're cooking. G


  1. needs Moon Discs

  2. I had the very same thought, before I bought it, then thought, nah, matt black wheels. G

  3. I definitely prefer the hair in the second photo.

  4. :-)

    you guys are awesome
    it takes a lot of guts and confidence to drive the ldv

    big up!


  5. I agree with Ben, the hair is much better in pica number two... And black rhims rule...!! While you are cooking G: a Bacon and eggs for me please, sunnyside up... Thanx, Ton.

  6. But in the words of Will Darnell -
    "you can't polish a turd"
    Or am i being too harsh after severall years of crushing LDV ownership ?
    Needs a cloaking device !

  7. Look, you've all got it wrong. I chose it because it's ugly, because it reminds me of the 1970s and Britain. And 1970's Britain. Did I mention it was made in Britain? Yes, I love the American sport of flat track, but I want to take my American bike to the races in a British van.
    If the bugger makes it there. G

  8. You plan to take your bike in the back? But I thought that space was severely limited by the six pedalling bays. I like to think Ben will be driving while Gary stands in the back aginst the bulkhead, dressed only in a beer towel loin cloth, body glistening with WD40, as he keeps the pedalling team going by beating time with a chicken leg on an empty Quality Street tin. Or have I got this all arse about face?

  9. Your clarity of vision is incredible Mick,
    but you forgot to mention the deep-fat fryer and other related equipment, and the stock of frozen meat products that also needs to be subtracted out of the available floor space inches equation.

  10. I'm sure there must be a Bedford CF out there in 70's van land with a porthole window to steam up !
