Friday 9 April 2010

Art: Childish and Death Spray Custom

I had a day chockfull of culture in our glorious capital yesterday. Took in the Billy Childish art exhibition at the ICA. Not quite as many exhibits as i'd hoped from such a prolific artist, but it was still good. When Mat left I had time to watch the video installations that you never bother sitting through normally. The poem, I am Billy Childish, signwritten on the old wood was great, as was the wall of some of his LP covers. I have about 20 of them. And the Prity Thing photo is of him and old squeeze Tracey Emin.
I found out two of his bands were playing that night, but it had sold out. I went for a pint with a mate who works just near Trafalgar Square then went back lurking to see if I could get in. I managed to get put on the guest list and then legged it up to Death Spray Custom's gallery opening. Mr DSC had played it down, and though it was a small exhibition I was impressed. On show was a variety of painted bicycles, motorcycles, helmets and more traditional art. Good people turned up too. It's at Exposure on Little Portland Street if you're in the vicinity.
Then legged it back to The Mall for the gig.
We're not here for a long time, we're hear for a good time. Don't spend your life sat in front of the TV. Well you can if you like, but I don't want to.

Outside, the DSC Boner Brigade bike from Sideburn 4 and Dai Jobu's FTR.


One of my favourites.
This is Steve Red Max's big bore Ducati 916. It's something like 1054. Crazy bike.

The numbers are steel, hand-formed. The geezer with his arm is a sling is photographer Richard Baybutt, part of the Corpses From Hell crew. Maxwell P was there, but cleared off sharpish. We've still never met him despite being within feet of him twice in two weeks. He's the Scarlet Pimpernel. GI


  1. that's not DSC, Ive met him an that's not him

  2. Ha! This is perfect disinformation from Mr DSC to stop fixie nerds bothering him in the street. G
