Friday 9 April 2010

SB5 in the Ace Cafe

London's premier transport caff is stocked up with Sideburn 5.

This is what reader Rich M thought about the latest issue.

'Got home tonight and Sideburn 5 was waiting on the post rack;more exciting than intercepting a Next or Littlewoods catlaogue as a know what I'm saying.
'It looks awesome, I'm sure you blew the budget on the spot finish but it's worth it - you've got a bit of a Queen's speech colour anticipation thing going on now with the cover titles. My money is on a stealthy spot UV black for what it's worth.
I've only had a quick flick as I'm a bit weird with the mag and like to save certain articles for certain times, but it's something to be proud of. I know that in a way the magazine industry is facing tough competition from blogs and websites but with this it's kind of like all your favourite blogs combined in one place, but having back stage passes. You know what I'm getting at? Anyway this is proof there's still a place for the tangible product (sorry but I am in marketing), as long as it's sufficient quality, which SIDEBURN is.'

Rich, Manchester

1 comment:

  1. I can't help but agree. When the magazine showed up, I felt like a 8-year old kid again, getting my hands on a fresh bmx mag. So much eye candy, in your case with some great insights from people in the sport. It's hard to get excited about a copy of Transworld MX that my wife subscribed to and gets every month, but waiting for your magazine to come is worth every penny.
    Keep up the good work! I might even get my butt to take some pictures for you at one of the Peoria TT races here in Illinos.
