Thursday 3 June 2010


While the squares were fumbling for their tear-offs CoBuilt's Geoff was just illin' in his Cazal 607s. The German über specs were made popular in the 80s by Darryl McDaniels of Run DMC. Just the thing for combating Welsh mud. BPphoto: Anthony


  1. Did he do the race in Adidas shell toes with no laces too?

  2. - Monkeyfumi, he was going to, but the scrutineers pulled him up & he got lock down.

    Did you ever hear the story about the German Adidas reps at their first Run DMC concert in the States, with everyone waiving their sneekers in the air to
    "M-Y A-D-I-D-A-S"?

  3. Yep, the whole story is told in the documentary "Just for Kicks", highly recommended.
    Now they just need to do a steel shoe with three stripes....
