Monday 11 October 2010

Da Diddley Qa Qa

This photo has already been posted a few weeks back but it's such a classic, and perfect for this public Thank You. (ignoring Diane and her period correct Adam Ant pose) Namely very large props to Dave Arnold (bug Left) and his not-quite-father-in-law Joe (queen bee Right) (who with Jon Lee, are the cornerstones of team Skooter Farm). They are currently building the Sideburn show stand for next week end's Classic Mechanics Show.
These two are often mentioned here - almost so much so, you may be bored reading this if you've never had the good chance to meet them. (Skooter Farm has more keyword links than any other subject on the SBlog - man or machine), but these human beings deserve all the applause/pollen they receive, and more.
Sawing up a bit of wood to make a DIY shelf is one thing, but designing a whole trade stand; including all the kit and caboodle that it requires to look and function without embarrassment, IS rocket science. And Dave and Joe are the best damn rocket scientists Wigan has ever fostered, Gentlemen we give you full honors, without you this show would just not be on the road. And Joe extra thanks for your continued help back-stage, in the pits, helping Skooterists (and green horns like me) get to grid on time and in the correct order. Everything running like clockwork, not a frog in porridge. BP

UPDATE: Hear, hear (or is it Here, here?). Anyway I second that emotion. Below are some, but not all of the Skooter Farm team at Scunthorpe on Saturday. Probably the first time this year we all wore team kit on the same day. From L-R: GI, Wilky, Joe (wearing Elton John mega stack-heels), Dave, Jon 'Capt Highside' Lee. Quality LDV hauler too.