Thursday 7 October 2010

Metro's Astro

And Cindy. From Metro Racing. G


  1. I don't see an Astro in that photo. Or ANY motorcycle at all for that matter.

  2. Make it a poster for next issue?

    Pliiiise! :-)


  3. if you can manage to move your focus off the feline beauty, down her arm & bellow her hand, I particularly like the (resined covered) $100 bills tucked into the seat.

  4. Nope. Sorry Mate. Are you looking at a different photo? The one posted is of the gorgeous girl who presented trophies at rounds 4&5 of the 2010 AMA Vintage Grand National. I still can't seem to see a bike...and trust me there are FEW things that would distract me from motorcycles, let alone dirt trackers.

  5. Sorry, that was rounds 5 & 6. See, she even distracted me from knowing what date it was!

  6. The lovely Metro Cindy and my Astro will be in the 2011 Metro Racing calendar that will be out soon. There is a killer shot of her on the cover with a VR360 Montesa.

    Order early, order often!!! Don

  7. Quite extraordinary. Bet she doesn't take much lubing. Oh, come on, settle down at the back.

  8. Metro sell a lot of T-shirts but the bumpy ones like Cindy's wearing are very limited edition!

  9. Hate to sound, uh, "weird" or anything, because yeah, the lady's a sight, but that bike is dang sexy. It's in my top 3 favorite flat track bikes. Been a fan of it for years!
