Thursday 11 November 2010

Lest we forget

They were raised during the Great Depression, a time so harsh it makes our current economic mess, bad as it is for some, seem rather quaint. As kids, these blokes made it through the shoeless, dust bowl, soup-kitchen Thirties to emerge battered but unbowed into a full-on World War with enemies on all sides. What the heck, best get on with it, eh? Because, frankly, these were the days when not a great deal was done for you, when stoic self-sufficiency was the norm. Some will have flown in the Pacific theatres while others found themselves at isolated airfields in rural England, maybe Polebrook, Molesworth, Little Staughton, from where they'd haul laden B-17s.
Extract from The Riverside Bombers, Sideburn #4
See here and here for related stories.

1 comment:

  1. In the "Greatest Generation" books, the repeated consensus is "We had a job to do, and we did it."

