Wednesday 24 November 2010

Show Down Milan: The Road Home

These posts are getting a bit arse about face, because this one can't wait. We left Milan in heavy rain, then in Switzerland hit heavy snow as we approached the San Gottardo tunnel.
This was the motorway. We were down to 25mph.
We were heading to see a punk gig in a club called l'Entrepot in Arlon, Belgium. A British punkabilly group called The Grit were supporting. They were entertaining...
The double bass player was worth watching and had a neat bass customised by Vince Ray.
Headliners were US Bombs whose lead singer Duane Peters is a bit of a legend, and Skooter Farm Dave's old mate.
I don't know a lot about Duane (above with Dave), but I do know there aren't many people who've lived through more. And he's a fellow Guzzi owner. Just before this photo was taken Dave said 'I want a photo taken with you because I haven't got one and all my heroes are dying.' I didn't think it was the most tactful approach.
We left a few issues of Sideburn to read on the tour bus. Dave donated his Sideburn scarf to Duane as the singer had a stinking cold and after a few years on heroin is now even reluctant to take Sudafed. See Duane Peters pool skating in Dave's backyard.
I've posted this now because the band are still touring the UK and Europe. Derby tomorrow.
All dates here. GI


  1. Duane is a fuckin legend, can't wait to see them tonight in Derby.

  2. I waiting for the concert in Barcelona!!!!! We 're prepare for the real punk rock!!!!
