Friday 10 December 2010

Get Well Soon, Rach

Just a couple of days after posting photos of Rach's New Sportster our friend Red Max Rach was on her way to feed her horse when she skidded on ice, crashed and broke her back. She's on the mend, and fortunately, hasn't suffered any damage to her spinal cord, but obviously not the best preparation for the Christmas holidays. Any get well messages left as comments will be forwarded.
Get well soon, Rach!


  1. Hi Rach

    Sorry to hear about your accident. At least it's one less Rover on the streets. Get well soon. And Steve please don't leave her on the garage floor next to your bike, even I know that won't help.

    Love Jason

  2. was this the pose she was in - and the attire she was wearing when the ambulance came to scoop her up?

    Get well soon Rach

  3. Get Well Soon !
    sure Steve will take care !

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Ouch! You being out of commission means less photos of you and more photos of Gary and Ben. :::shudder::: So for all of us...PLEASE get well soon!

  6. Yikes! I feel your pain! Literally. I crashed last weekend and jacked myself all up. Rest and heal. Tell your man who watched you feed and pick up horse poop all those times, that now it's his turn to do the pickin' up!

    Get well soon! Mule

  7. We heard from Rachel via Steve that she is slowly on the mend. She was well enough to have the MRI scan and it now looks like she won't need the surgery at a specialist hospital.Still a long way to recovery though......Dave A

  8. Sorry to read that.
    Sounds like the recent story of a friend of mine.
    Courage and good recovery to her.
    Greetings from France.

  9. Holy Crap...Get well soon Rach...i don't know u..but did meet the Steve Fella..!! So here's to a speedy recovery, cheers!! P.s Steve don't over cook the sprouts ;)

  10. Crikey Rach that's terrible!!!

    Very best to ya. Take it steady and mend properly.

    Look after that Gal there Steve!

