Thursday 23 December 2010

Moulton TSR

Almost a year ago, after a hearty curry in Brick Lane, I cycled my Moulton APB west to Kilburn but promptly fell off the back. Tipsy but not that pissed, I remounted and immediately embarrassed myself again. Assuming it was just a loose saddle I dug out my Allen keys but it then became apparent the normally vertical seat-post section of the frame was crushed like a toilet roll where it meets the rubber ball suspension mount - and takes the force of the sub-frame. Surprising that it should buckle as it's made from world renowned Reynolds 531 steel. Maybe not surprising as I'm 6' 2" and 15 stone - but even so.The Pashley made APB frame has now been superseded by the TSR (named after the 60s supersonic jet) and upgraded with Reynolds 525 tubing. Crucially the sub-frame now meets the seat-post in-line with the top-rails. My original bike was built as a one-off special with a sneaky Sachs 2-speed kick-back gear. The new bike uses a Sturmey Archer copy of this system. BPThis is a new frame with my old running gear.Mrs P on her 8-speed + creature comforts APB Moulton


  1. Never been a great fan of the small wheeled bike, but that looks 'Neat O magneto, neat' especially in American racing orange, International tractors stock color, available at most farms in the USA

  2. Nick
    it's actually Mercury Dispatch orange (the London motorcycle courier company) as they had some 8-speed APBs in the 90s

  3. Well it's still a neat bike and the TSR frame looks a better design

  4. I don't know these bikes, but I like the clean simplicity of your orange one. Interesting suspension too... nice!

  5. Never mind the bikes, let's respectfully admire Mrs P. What a picture of health and summer fun.

  6. Mick, if you're only wearing your vest during any admiration then it's gone beyond respectful. Back in your box, dirty boy. G

  7. Did your old APB glow in the dark ? I have an orange APB that was originally built for a London dispatch firm. its was fitted with 8sp deore kit . Now being converted to with a bafang mid drive. bit worried about the break as I am an 17 and a half stone FB. Was it rusty?
