Tuesday 14 December 2010

Roman Riot style

Love the grey Caribineri hauler
Don't know what's going on here. I think she wants chin strap assistance.
He's about to fall down the police station stairs.
Do you think these guys are really political activists, or just out for a bit of civil disobedience?
Bradbury? Fight Club?
Our Rome correspondent Mick P gleefully pointed us to some photos of today's anti-Berlusconi rioting in Rome. Ben, ever the sartorialist, immediately picked up on the Momo helmets some of the rioters were wearing. Expect the Milan catwalks to be inspired by this street style quick sharp.
Below: They fought the law and... Discovered Mick Doohan still don't take no shit. G
Photos via www.repubblica.it


  1. Nicely done, G. The majority of Roman youth being scooter riders means a load of head protection, Momo Design included of course, compared to your average British rioters.

  2. there's freddie spencer again!
    just tell me if im getting boring

  3. oooh errr its sign of the times......globalisation leading to global unrest.......coming to a street corner near you...and we thought all students to be a bunch of X factor celebrity wannabes studying Medya and Business now we and they have a focus, nowt to lose, plenty to gain and hey woopee in good old London Village we have a whole new breed of branded Criminals a record for life, what can you say Nick Cleg made me do it, I gave up PPE at Cambridge, for an attempted Murder charge for lobbing a traffic cone.....at least the Italians did it in style with a few good blazing Iveco....as for the outfits which ones are in the blummin Carabinieri and which ones in plain clothes.....if only they all wore Sideburn Scarves...
    ahh capsimo....just shoot me last

  4. I'm no more on the barricades from many years but I can say that... the grey hauler is of Guardia di Finanza, a body of troops with power of revenue police.

  5. Reminds me off a house party I visited last saterday night. Was a good one!

  6. great pics - the architecture comes off particularly well. I love the anonimity provided by the helmets - the confusion of not knowing quite who to hit must increase the panic amongst the plod. That said - the poor bastards who do get lifted are in for a pasting. Bring back cobbled streets to London Village.

  7. Diplo, in an effort for some BBC-style impartiality, the 'poor bastards' that got lifted should have thought of that before they started petrol bombing police Ivecos. G

  8. Stylish people indeed. This morning Via del Corso looks like bloody Baghdad, never mind, the Rome Council will add a wee little tax for its citizens to pay for the mess. I wonder how many of the 2011 style icons will be paying said tax?

  9. Well, those Romans know a lot about taxes. G

  10. is that mick doohan in bottom photo letting off some steam?.

  11. Stevie, you didn't read the post properly. I already did the Doohan joke... G

  12. From Italy, from an italian man....
    ok the joke for the Helmets ;)
    But everything else it's BAD !
    No good for us, a Premier's Parlament that don't leave his position PAYING other members of the opposition to have a number for "continues the governance" (2 ratings !!!). Student that manifest those opposition, Black Blocks (?), police special service infiltration..... desorder.....
    It's not only part of slag of globalization... it's a question of Premiership's personal economic interest !!!!
    Sorry for the bad language.....

  13. i never said anything bout bein able to read!.

  14. ??? if I understood correctly.... your "tone"...
    I don't have nothing to you....man...

    I said "Ok for the Joke about helmets"....

    And then I talk that it's a trouble damage for us, for italy, for our community.....
    Was "just a comment" for this situation.


  15. Somebody has to show the world, that not every italian accepts the godfather as a PM. Unbelievable.
