Thursday 22 September 2011

Evel Art

Fell running, whippet loving yorkshireman John Parkin was bought up to graft on’t farm / down’t mill, however he managed to escape a life of true hardship and drudgery way back in 2001 to follow the dream. After trudging the globe in search of the elusive Geoffrey Boycott, he now resides in Northumberland where it is on average winter 14 months of the year. It is through these bitterly cold, long, dark, snow driven winters John paints his dreams - his aspirations of what could have been, and just maybe what still could be...
Parkins’s paintings are a mixture of scientific human endeavour; factual and fictional, challenging nature, exploration, and the pioneering spirit and heroism of man. He draws inspiration from boyhood dreams and fantasies. Focusing on the colour and dynamism of conquering space, both large and small, and the harnessing of untested technologies.
Gallery APART
- Summer show has been extended to 30th Sept

1 comment:

  1. if he's a fell runner, then that's good enough 4 me!!.
    anyone read "feet in the clouds".
    an awesome book, worthy of any bedside table.
    art through pain!!!.
