Wednesday 21 September 2011

I'm AMA zing

Who Are You?! We are sending out an APB on this dude with the 'fro and proper lip cosy. Apparently this shot first appeared in the official AMA news magazine of July 1977 (we don't have an actual copy).
Any ideas? Or anybody got the original magazine they can check for credits? And if you do know who he is, where can we track him down?
Another possible clue (cross-referencing with another photo that remains classified information for now), is he may have raced a Boss framed stroker #25Y - so a Californian. Inspector Clouseau and Lieutenant Colombo


  1. And you just know there's some serious flare action going on below.

  2. It's Daley Thompson in his pre-Lucozade era..

  3. Are you sure it's not Marco Simoncelli's Mum and Dad?

  4. can you imagine how he looks now its gone grey!.

  5. Check out Google Books, they published the complete AM series online!! The picture is part of an ad to sign up for AM (second last page of the July 1977 issue) and get a free t-shirt.

  6. Oh, AM = American Motorcyclist

  7. Wow TS now that is AMAzing!
    still no name but thats definitely the original source at least.
    Thanks BP

  8. The AMA started reproducing the shirts. The link is in the back of American Motorcyclist (the magazine you get free as a member of the AMA)

    Gary and Ben need to re-create that shot:

  9. Thanks Mike
    Metro Racing already looked into reproducing the T but the AMA said No.
    The Zazzle one has official clearance apparently

  10. I like to think that what Greaser Mike meant was that you and Gary actually appear as the couple in that shot. I think we'd all like to see that. Gary as the winning blonde, of course.

  11. Sounds like a winner. C'mon G - start practising your tea pot pose
