Thursday 15 March 2012

IMPORTANT: Please sign this petition

The EU are trying to ban modifications on bikes and stop any motorcycle over 7 years old being used in urban areas.

UK residents please sign it here

It takes about 1 minute. Do it.


  1. I have really been struggling to find a good source of info on this EU act.I must have signed about 5 different versions of a petition on this. There also seems to be a load of propoganda and mis information about the act. Can anyone point me to a reliable source of info on it?

  2. And I have to say that this particular example is very shoddily written, to the extent that were I a minister taking a look at the petition's proposal, I'd have trouble taking it seriously. Not saying don't sign it, as it can't hurt.

  3. Badly written it may be, but if this went ahead it would be a disaster, I don't have a bike which isn't older than seven years old, and not been modified in some way or other

  4. They're essentially trying to make what we have to suffer with in Italy a Europe-wide policy...

  5. Yeah I signed (I agree with Mick) but I want real facts so I can understand the extent. Places like MAG mainly deal in propoganda and I was just after a good factual summary.

  6. Eco terror it is....

    But please hold your horses. There is a lot of mis information going around. I've been dealing with type approval issues for nearly 3 years now and just two weeks ago I've spoken with representatives of the RDW (Dutch VCA) and the VCA itself. But nobody over there knows what is going to happen and not even they are taking this whole charade seriously.

    Lots of proposals (mandatory ABS on bikes and even more absurd stuff) are flying around in Brussels but nothing is really happening. Call it propaganda...

    They tried banning classic cars form the city centre of amsterdam and that did not happen either. Just because they can't according the EU laws.

    I would not take this too seriously. But that is my opinion...

  7. I'm agree with brembo. Twelve years ago I would be forced to scrap my Citroen 2CV (government’s incentives and limitations to road traffic)... Now, I'm driving it every day. Enjoy your rides!

  8. I'm with Mick, a suggestion that bikes could 'blow up' may do more harm than good.

    I'm never keen on anything that uses Daily Fail type phrases either.

  9. I signed the fucker anyway, but those are all useful comments thanks
