Friday 13 July 2012

Slight delay...

Good news and bad news.
Bad news first, Sideburn 11 should've been delivered today, but our printers are in a jam. I did a four-hour round trip to visit them to try sort the situation. It's 90% finished, that's one full section on a pallet, waiting expectantly, I saw them all, but we've got to get another printer involved to sort the cover.
So, orders won't go out for at least one more week. If anyone wants a refund on their pre-order, email us and we'll sort it out. Otherwise we'll get it to you as soon as.

Good news. The situation is in hand. Another great printer, even closer to SB HQ has said they'll sort it and get it to us by next Friday. The make Ferrari's customer magazine, they're good. Fingers crossed. Sorry for the delay. G


  1. Good luck, patience is a dirtshoe.

  2. Good lads - there's plenty that would give no explanation and would mess people around. I'm sure nobody will mind waiting for their issue of the magazine as it will be worth the wait.

  3. Looking forward to it, well done for getting it sorted

  4. Some things are worth the wait.

  5. Hi Gary,

    Is it possible to buy and reserve as going through a housing nightmare at the mo, and dont wanna miss a copy.



  6. Hi Jason
    It'll be a while before we sell out of issue 11. So I wouldn't sweat it. Some of the older issues are getting thing on the ground. Gary

  7. Some of the older issues are getting rather pricey / collectible too...

    Beat the stock market, invest in Sideburn!
