Wednesday 25 July 2012

Wheels and Waves, Biarritz, pt. 3

Finally. Got waylaid finishing off SB#11...

So having been properly roastbeefed on the lawn of Chateau Brindos, Les Anglais marched to the swimming pool, rolled out their towels and plunged into the heavenly blue. I swam 2 lengths under water and surfaced a new man. In my pants. Kristina Fender followed us in. Her bra and panties don't match. Very punk said Gary. By the time Fid caught on (to the swimming pool, not deconstucted underwear), so had security. The club tropicana heist was over and the pool was given back to the sun bathing residents.
That's a pond in the background filled with killer pike. The surf at the beach just down the road was spectacular, but sadly I broke the vow I made before leaving England, that I would risk my life in it at some point over the weekend, and made-do with just staring gormlessly at it. BP


  1. What a handsome gent !! When are going to get G modelling some Calvins with a Sideburn wait band ??

  2. Darn my careless typing....what is a WAIT BAND ?? That was meant to be WAIST 28-30" about the right size G ??

  3. When you say you "surfaced a new man"................?

  4. Somehow I knew that sentence was going to be my downfall. My lawyer will be making a statement in the morning.

  5. That's a beautiful Falcon wagon. Is that a '64?

  6. The Snow White Kahuna rides again, I'm going to turn it into a poster.

  7. And this is why wagons are chitt!

  8. Hmmm...'64, or '65? My folks had a '63 with the more rounded look. By '66 they got kinda ugly. Quick, somebody get that guy some sunscreen!

  9. Beached White Wale Syndrome, Ah Brits abroad!
