Wednesday 31 October 2012

Sideburn 12 Release Night, London

The good people at Edwin have got together with the good people at Kraken Rum and the kind of alright people at Sideburn to have a night of London schmoozing and (if you like) boozing.
It's at the Charlotte Road store in East London. 6-10pm.
Prizes for bikes we like and furthest travelled and other random stuff that puts a smile on our faces.
Thursday 22 November. G


  1. So a bald Mancunian on a Yellow GS tailored in Hein Gericke wont cut much mustard?

  2. Can you juggle or play the xylophone Steve?

  3. Glad to say i gave up those bad habits years ago,but still have some mental scars,but of late i have honed the art of talking broken biscuits while consuming white wine.
    If work permits and weather ok,will bore people with the 2-wheeled Panzer anyway.

  4. I wonder if riding in from Preston constitutes a far distance?
