Saturday 20 July 2013

Pekka from Finland

It all started when...

I bought an XS650 a couple of years ago. I got seriously bitten by the motorcycle bug. First I was looking into old Brit bikes but the XS was cheaper to buy and maintain so I went for that. Also it does not have too much historical value so I did not have to feel bad about building it into something different.

At some point I realized that a sport called "flat track racing" existed and that the XS was actually successful racer. I started looking in to flat track racing scene in Europe (and in Finland). At some point I stumbled upon your website. Mostly by accident I guess.

I'm a sucker for old motorbikes and stuff from the 70s and you seem to value old bikes and stuff too. Your blog is fun to read and has the kinda content I like. I've been thinking of ordering magazines for some time now.

You seem to have a great thing going on in the UK at the moment. Racing events every now and then and new framers being built. I'm hoping that flat track racing would catch on in Finland too. We have two events this summer but not much riders participating. The events are under FIM rules and are rather expensive to take part in. License fee is around 450euros for a year or 130euros for one event...

Also no vintage class so my XS will not take part in either event :) Hopefully I'll be riding a "modern" dirt bike next winter for a couple of ice road races. And them maybe some "go fast, turn left" action next summer. And of course there is the "Kaanaan Kahinat" in September. But you knew that, right? Keep up the good work, Pekka

If Pekka was in the UK he could have a day's racing with his bike with the DTRA for just £55 (£45 for the race entry, £10 for the day licence) as a guest in the novice class.

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