Tuesday 11 February 2014

Russian Uni-Moto Ice Racing

News from Sochi, the craziest and most uplifting thing we've seen this year, is the Russian bid to introduce and new Winter Olympics sport for the 2016 Winter Olympic Games (to be held in Maidstone, Kent, UK). Uni-Moto Ice Drag Racing. It's no more ridiculous than some of the current official 'sports', so we think it has a strong chance of success. Especially with the rampant bribing the Russian authorities are willing to indulge in.

We'd seen a few photos drifting around the net, but thanks to Grant Robinson for alerting us to the source - Russian photographer Dimitry Ruzov.

This, from the nation that was first to put a man in space (and got him back safely). See what delights a nation can come up with when they're not involved in some superpower cock-measuring contest? G


  1. Errr...I take it there is a snowmobile shortage in the motherland...?

  2. Mental. Love the bloke in the white wellies - straight from the milking parlour.

  3. Brilliant. Definite medals to the guy sitting astride the studded tyre (made me wince) and the bloke clinging to what looks like a turbine engine.

    Put them in lycra and I reckon they'll be in with a chance for the next games

  4. Yeah, much cooler than the actual events…and way more reflective of life in that region, too, methinks!

  5. This is our Swedish answe to the Russian unimoto. Ducati 750ss/ 140 km/h

  6. Another clip:

  7. My daughter thinks they look weird and asks if they have cup holders? Because they will need a warm drink in Russia.
