Sunday 31 May 2015

Be Prepared

Insisting that children salute adults is pushing discipline too far in my opinion. Even dressing them up in uniform seems suspect, so it's odd that I seem have nostalgia for Baden Powell, founder of the world-wide scout movement. I'm an ex-soldier of both the Cubs and Scouts. My tree climbing, whittling, map reading, woggle weaving and knot tiring skill I owe to regimented Thursday afternoons. The other day at my Mum's house, I came across my old belt. It's now been put back into service (without the saluting), with 34", extra long girth, blank belt from German eBay - the Germans love dressing up in leather and have specialist traders in all related products. BP


  1. he had the right idea.
    Thrash the original sin out of em!!!.

  2. Love it. Wish I still had mine. God knows where it is. Went the way of me woggle.

  3. My scout leader was forever playing with my woggle.

  4. Quite. I never knew the true significance of the three-finger salute till I went to camp.

  5. I promise that I will do my best, to do my duty to God and to the Queen, to help other people, and to keep the Cub Scout law... and tell no-one I was fondled by Akela
