Wednesday 9 September 2015

All You Need Is Ride: Editor Interview

We stock magazines and books from other indie publishers, from time to time, that are hard to find outside their home countries (like Canada's Motorcycho).

One of those magazines is French-made All You Need Is Ride. We have issue 5, it's all in English and full of great content. Adrien interviewed us for the latest issue, and had the illustration of us made (below).

We asked the founder and editor Adrien a few questions.

Click to buy All You Need Is Ride #5 

What is your name, age and where do you live ? My name is Adrien -- 34 -- I live in south of France, between Lyon and Marseille.

What made you start AYNIR?
I do the fanzine only by passion. I started with no means - only "ma bite et mon couteau" (my cock and my knife)... It was time to do this, I don't want to have a lot of regrets when I'll be old.

How long does it take to make?
I'm totally free of the publishing date... I can work on the fanzine one month or six ! I send it to the printer when I think that the issue is ready.

What is the hardest bit of making the magazine?
I think that it's the money to printing... I don't have ads for the moment but luckily my readers follow me. And I want to say thank you!

What is the best part of making your own magazines?
All other things ! Do this is so interesting - I'm a graphic designer. I love the paper. Meeting people, authors, photographers and talking with them is so cool! And visiting events for the fanzine - I just arrive at the Pure & Crafted Festival at Berlin - fantastic... Then, the best parts of making my own fanzine is all other things.

What is your favourite bike event?
My favourites are Wheels and Waves and Dirt Quake... Because I can feel freedom through them. Next year, I want to go to Glemseck with my motorcycle... But I go to some little events, the pleasure is great too.

How do you choose what goes in and what doesn't?
As I said, I do the fanzine only by passion. All that on the pages is what I like. No borders and no limits.

What bike or bikes do you own?
I have a Honda 500 XLS tracker - I was with it to the Dirt Quake II - and a Kawasaki 400 GPZ racer... And I work on a new tracker, but it's a secret for the moment.

What is your hopes and plans for the future of your magazine?
Just develop the fanzine in France and all over the world... I hope to do a big event next year if I have time... And always have fun on a motorcycle... All we need is ride!

Photo of Adrien by David Marvier
Illustration by Sebastien « Beekei » Gerodias

Click to buy All You Need Is Ride #5 

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