Thursday 18 August 2016

These Things Scare Me

I've ridden fast on fast bikes, including 200mph on the clock on a turbo Hayabusa on a German autobahn, but these things are in a league of their own. I cannot imagine ever wanting to ride one. Just watching this clip puts the fear of god in me. G


  1. Absolutely certifiable, and at least one of the riders with no gloves (@2.20)!

  2. Good grief. In any case, I've always wondered about the sanity of anyone prepared to lie on top of Top Fuelled cylinders. Mind you, those GSX engines keep on giving, eh?

  3. Nut's Whole Hazel Nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Agree and the Marshall checked he had big enough ones before he let him go, about 1:37 into the clip. Those guys must have enormous pairs!

    2. Agree and the Marshall checked he had big enough ones before he let him go, about 1:37 into the clip. Those guys must have enormous pairs!

  4. The last one where he hooks up mid track?
