Monday 1 August 2016

Understanding hashtags #1

Are you on Instagram or Twitter yet? Course you are. You're not a thumbless freak who actually achieves things, you're the kind of modern go-getter that all-you-can eats the 'feeds' on the mini-computer device in their right palm, every ten minutes. Am I right?

So, like me, you've seen the 'clever' hashtags folks put on their posts to align themselves with certain groups or movements or simply to get noticed. They confused me at first. I didn't get the point. Then I grasped the idea, but didn't get the meanings, but now I'm fully enlightened and I'm here to help the tech-knuckle-draggers out there to decipher. I don't refer to you of course, Jeez, you're at the cutting edge, like us, with the wonderful world of blogs. Here goes for those other suckers...

What it's supposed to mean: I’m an individual because I ride a custom bike. I’m not a sheep, like those who are happy to ride a perfectly good motorcycle left the way manufacturer intended.
Actually translates to: I stripped all the paint off my petrol tank, removed the airbox, fitted a K and N filter and bolted on some clubman bars. Now my bike doesn’t run properly. Any ideas what I did wrong?


  1. #donttellanyoneimfakingallthis

  2. I havent got a flipping clue what the hell you are on about

  3. #againstthesheep



  4. There's 2 things that boil my piss, when people use a hashtag to denote the next character is a number, and hotel kettles.

  5. "There're" or "There are" two things...
    You can now add piss-boiler #3 - grammar pedants.

  6. Grammar pedants are the reason I boil piss in hotel kettles, small world.
