Sunday, 5 April 2009

Back on a racebike

I was invited to a Suzuki dirt track day at King's Lynn on Friday. There were a few journalists there and I managed to get a bunch of laps on Boastie's Suzuki RMZ 450 DTX. The weather was grey and damp, but that made the track beautiful, with so much grip the front tyre was squealing on the entry.
I wasn't using the Chris Carr fast line, I just wanted to slide around.
Good fun. Nice to be back on a racebike as I haven't ridden one since October. Can't wait for the season to start. GI


  1. Very stylish,track looks great and hoping to attend a couple of the flattrack fridays.

  2. Envious. Woke up to an inch of snow this morning.

  3. Looking good there squire!

  4. you look good on that suzuki GI! :-)

  5. Isn't Photoshop extraordinary?

  6. which of the two bikes worked better? injection or carburettor?

  7. The new bike was brand new. I felt more comfortable on the bike that had done a season. The seat sunk a little, so I felt closer the floor and not perched on top.
    To be honest I didn't even know the new one had injection. GI
