Thursday, 28 May 2009

James Bettinson In Da House!

The love-child of many influences, Sideburn magazine welcomes another soldier to it's ranks. Way back when we were still heavily pregnant with SB#1, Gary showed me a copy of DIRT mountain bike magazine. We really liked it's progressive graphics and bold layouts. Fast forward a year and a half (bloody hell doesn't time fly), and some guy called James Bettinson contacts us out of the blue...
"Hows it going? Its James here, who use to design MOTO [moto X magazine] and DIRT....I've just been looking through the latest issue of SB, Its a project I would love to get involved with creatively..."
Step this way James. Milk and 2 sugars? BP


  1. I love dirt and I think your magazine is at least on par if not better. It's too bad none of the zines in the states have the passion and love that you all make so evident in your publications.

  2. Dusty,
    thanks for the compliments. Maybe it's because we are not part of a big publishing house sat a big office, we're just 2 guys, a few loyal and very charitable un-paid mercenaries, and a kitchen table - well 2, several hundred miles (and countries apart).
    We do have some plans to go slightly more commercial, but only so we can finance trips Stateside, and buy some more chocolate biscuits to have with our tea.

  3. I have family in the Seattle area if you ever need a free bed for an article. Plently of dirt on the Cascade loop if you look for it...

  4. dirt has been my favourite MTB zine since day dot. Really is the Raygun of the bicycle world.

  5. Yep 002
    Ray Gun was another inspiration with its non-computer generated typography. It would be interesting to draw up a family tree of magazine design over the past few years.
