Monday, 22 March 2010

New Member

Sideburn is pleased to welcome a new member to the SBlog posting team; Mick Phillips. We have given him a key to the door.

2 minutes before sending off all the HiRes PDFs of SB#5 to the printers I realised we somehow had 1 page too many. Apart from simply losing a page, everything would need a a re-shuffle and some pages would have to be re-numbered. GI was in a meeting and unavailable. My brain went into Chernobyl meltdown. I phoned Mick in Rome to ask if he could be my brain and save the day. He did. BPMick's hobbies include holing himself up in the stationary cupboard and playing with rubber bands


  1. That's Phillips with double l. Good grief, can you never be left alone with a keyboard, BP?

  2. That was your first spelling test Mick. I didn't think you would spot it. You passed. Congratulations. BP

  3. Ahhh ..... the old one page too many problem....

  4. rubber bands can make any dude look like a bouncer!
