Thursday, 1 September 2011

Great White Back Up Plan

#29 Jamie Full Lock has been in self incarcerated solitary confinement as part of a perverse pre-race sadomasochistic regime. The Novice class is no longer a summer afternoon jolly, it's a battlefield (all be it with some It's a Knockout contestants. So my latest back-up is to have a shoal of helium filled sharks follow those flaying legs. After the teeth have sunk into the anemic flesh, all will explode to a chorus of high pitched hysterics. The left-overs will be donated to Science. BP


  1. this war is starting to get surreal now!.
    someone should strap k9 to a seat unit, his laser would take care o them no probs!!.

  2. Good idea Stevie you can be my tail gunner.

  3. I've covered The Bastard and my race leathers in fresh Castol R. Everyone knows sharks don't like Castrol R because it gives them the squits so I'll be shark free all the way to vicory... or at least fourth of fifth...

  4. good work. keep training. and make shur your leathers resemble a top notch fishing lure. eat salon eggs for breakfast and punch the shark in the face when ever you can...
