Wednesday, 28 September 2011


Rollerburn Teaser shot by Drogo.
SIDEBURN on Vimeo.

Get your tickets, secure your trade stand, organise a hotel, book your flight, remember the killer pre-party in Nottingham, but whatever, just get there. It's going to be memorable. Any questions, leave a comment.
Rolleburn info.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. will tickets also be available on the door cheif?

  3. I must have pissed off the gods of fate. My band has got a big gig in London on the same night.. tickets already on sale so can't cancel. Could you please film some of the action for those of us that won't be able to make it? :(

  4. R Nail. If it sells out, then no, they won't be available. They're a tenner, buy now to avoid disappointment.

    Full L or D. The combined forces of Picasso, Orson Welles, Quentin Tarantino, Lady Gaga and Jackson Pollock could make an artist's impression of the joys and delights on show at Rollerburn, so no, sorry. Ring in sick.

  5. I meant, of course, those artistes COULD NOT make a representation of Rollerburn. With every minute that passes it improves. I think it's going to be so good I might explode before the opening ceremony (to be shown live on TV, we hope). Break an arm so you don't have to play the gig. It's the only sensible option. G

  6. Gary's right!

    This is going to be a big deal. Lots of people working really hard to make something really special.

    Something different,

    For all those who are not sure what they are doing yet. Its a tenner buy a ticket so you dont miss out.

    Show your support for people who are prepared to put themselves out to create. Its going to be one hell of a party!

  7. Having been bullied and dragged into the SB HQ to help with Rollerburn, I've seen the future, and it works. Big, bad, bombastic and unlike any future I've seen before; it's going to be bloody good...
    Now could someone let me out please?

  8. GI, The Family Highside will be along to see the show, do the nippers need tickets too?
