Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Desert boots on a bike is where it's at

A couple of people are getting fizzed up about what an actor is wearing in the photo below, perhaps forgetting it's not real life and that the storyline probably didn't start with him wanting to tour the Alps on a Montesa and therefore perhaps not choosing the ideal riding gear.
I'd noticed it as well, but didn't think it was reckless, just that it reminded me of another famous actor on a motorcycle. G


  1. Hear, hear . . . lighten up guys, if it were thongs it'd be a different cattle of suede. I thought the most significant part of the the Bond post was the totally ludicrous price on the bike, what a wank ! Oh, McQueen, you've done it again . . .

  2. Proof, if it's needed, that if you're Cool then riding a Triumph fitted with a nut catcher rack, one handed, through traffic, wearing utterly unprotective clothing just makes you Cooler.

    Of course, if you're not cool, then you're a potential suicide case with no respect for the costs involved in cleaning up the mess after the inevitable accident, and the counselling necessary for those unfortunate souls caught up in your anti-social behaviour. You selfish bastard.

  3. Leaving me whose been riding in slip on Vans for the last 20 years where ?

  4. In A and E?

    In a wheelchair?

    In the book of cool?

    In London?

    In continent?

  5. In luck (for now) Winter helps mess up my bad habits, the Red wings are out as of last week...

  6. It's times like that when a man needs his Baracuta G9

  7. Mcqueen = cool as fuck
    Bond = shit.

    Hope that clears things up.

  8. Im liking the cut of your jib harley - constructive commentary-wise that is.

    Dont worry im not getting bro-mantic!

  9. Golly gosh, hot topic this proved to be . . . almost summer here, time to break out the g-string and sandals, with socks of course, vroom, vroom !

  10. I wear 6 eye desert boots all the time. perfect riding boots!
