Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Zip Tips

A biscuit tin makes for a good cable-tie hutch. If you punch a hole in the corner you can easily stuff them back in without having to take off the lid. That is if your ties are like mine and behave like worms wringing their way off on their own into the most unlikely of corners in my shed, home and car.
That expanding polyurethane glue is the devil's bodge, I only use trad PVA glue for woodworking. But it is slovenly once the bottle is more than half empty, so if you store it up-side-down - cable-tied loosely to a vertical, to act as a holster, it is always primed and ready for action!
(Here's one my 'make-do and mend' Mum would be proud of) if you snip off in-situ ties behind the head, you can pull out the end of the tail and re-use the remainder (albeit now smaller, but as most jobs on motorbikes only require short lengths, they're always handy). And no tool box should be without proper snips. I got these from my local Maplin electronics shop. BP


  1. I had an Uncle that would wear shoes unti they wore out. one would wear out first so he would put a new one on that foot but keep the old one on the other foot. a vicious circle that ment that he always wore odd shoes.
    Be very carefull, that dosn't happen to you.

  2. Thanx for the tips Ben, specially the holster glue tip I thonk is great. I think I will apply it to shower gel bottles as well... Hahaha.
    Thanx geezer, mazzel!

  3. Thonk is think in this case...
