Tuesday 3 May 2011

New: 13 T-shirt

Just in time for Thursday's Aldana Night and Friday's race in Oxford, we have new Sideburn T-shirt design. Available in red only and sizes S-XL.
Every order of this shirt gets a free Aldana sticker.

Order yours at Sideburn's webshop.
Or buy yours at our night and I bet David will sign it for you.

Also, check out the great post of David Aldana over at Poppawheelie (where these photos were lifted from). Poppa wishes he could make it to our night, but he lives in California. So, if you live any closer, stop pussing about and support UK events. Otherwise you'll be left with the same shit old pub meets. It's too late to send out the last few tickets, so email us and we'll stick your name on the door to pay on the night. £11.


  1. Brilliant! 13=M, M=Motorcycho!

  2. hey g i was gonna order mine tonight, so stick 2 by 4 us please!.
    im soon gonna have a sideburn only drawer in my bedroom for all these irresistable shirts!!!.
